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LLL. I have a question for ya.
Since we know you like to browse our little slice of internet heaven, I figured I'd pose an inquiry (seeing as we openly welcome differences of opinion).

You claim to be a studio guy or an educator or some bullshit so I'd figure you would have a wealth of knowledge on the subject of TONE.

You seem to parade your resumé as an Expert on all things Eddie, but I have a more general question: What does a Cuck use for a rig?

If I wanted to sound like a middle aged loser cuck who hasn't smelled a pussy since highschool, where would i start? What amp sounds the loneliest? What guitar cries like the mania in your head? What picks accentuate the frustrations of knowing that your basement rendition of Eruption doesn't have a single like on Soundcloud?

Also, what can I do to work on my tremolo picking? People have told me to practice the motion, but I don't always have a pick to working on SHORT, SMALL, and FAST strokes. Barring the fact that I can't simply jerk your useless clit-like penis, what would you recommend as an alternative? I'm looking for a routine.

I think that's it.

I really appreciate all your help and hope to hear from you soon. Stay strong, man. It ain't easy being greasy.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
[-] The following 3 users Like Big Flannel's post:
Do you think you'll get a response soon, or even at all? The anticipation is killing me, and I still have 4 beers left in my 6 pack.

Maybe someone should go give him a nudge, on that other site. Maybe shoot him a message?

I know just the person.
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
I dunno. Maybe he isn't as helpful as he claims to be.

I was really hoping for some advice too...
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
Ya, I've been wanting to brush up on my Eddie.

I'd like to have my Eddie ready when I need it. ;)
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
LLL, Do you use the grease from that mop on your head as "nut sauce" when you restring your guitars?

Does it cause any deterioration of plastic compounds?
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
(03-24-2016, 07:54 PM)Big Flannel Wrote: LLL, Do you use the grease from that mop on your head as "nut sauce" when you restring your guitars?

Does it cause any deterioration of plastic compounds?

LLL is the first time on the Internet I have seen a troll that actually looks like a fucking troll. The dude is a hideous mess. 
[-] The following 2 users Like Securb's post:
What's wrong with you man? Picking on a man's genetics, style, and appearance? You should be ashamed of yourself. I hope he comes in and puts a smackdown on you.

Don't take that shit, Triple L. I gotcha back. Fuck him!
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
[-] The following 1 user Likes karpathion's post:
Just saying the dude should be under a bridge asking passersbys riddles. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=600]
[-] The following 3 users Like Securb's post:
Is that the " Real " him ? huge grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes GoldenVulture's post:
(03-24-2016, 08:53 PM)Securb Wrote: Just saying the dude should be under a bridge asking passersbys riddles. 

[Image: attachment.php?aid=600]

The fucker looks like the offspring of two pro wrestlers fucking a bag of meth.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
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