10-20-2009, 08:05 AM
Awesome ending last night.
I was sitting by the left field ballgirl... pretty close to Manny. The crowd was relentless with him all night long when he was out in the field. The best was during one of the inning breaks they played a PSA on the big screen about kids and steroids. It wasn't two seconds into the commercial that the chants started.... MAN-NY, MAN-NY, MAN-NY.
I was sitting by the left field ballgirl... pretty close to Manny. The crowd was relentless with him all night long when he was out in the field. The best was during one of the inning breaks they played a PSA on the big screen about kids and steroids. It wasn't two seconds into the commercial that the chants started.... MAN-NY, MAN-NY, MAN-NY.