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Dr. Veg, Falbo, any other Ibanez nerds, get in here.
it's a big part of the reason I have completely boycotted them.

Want a tubescreamer? get a clone
Want an RG? buy a Jackson.
Artist? Hamer standard.
super thin S series? grow some muscles and wear a real guitar.
That's a Pro Rocker. It'll look 'right' if you pick up an Edge for it, but it'll still take some filling/drilling and really, if you go that far, you need to dump the nut/string lock and have the neck cut for a real locknut.
An Edge will cover that whole ghastly route?

I already thought of the locking nut problem. I told my buddy either he could use the existing one (which I wouldn't advise), or ditch the old one and get locking tuners if he plans on getting some sort of floyd.

I think he's down for the floyd idea. I'll probably help him with the installation.
I dont know if the Edge will fit but if it does it is a hell of a trem. I have one on my Roadstar and I love it. Great action on those things.
(06-23-2015, 08:19 PM)CTN Wrote: An Edge will cover that whole ghastly route?

I already thought of the locking nut problem. I told my buddy either he could use the existing one (which I wouldn't advise), or ditch the old one and get locking tuners if he plans on getting some sort of floyd.

I think he's down for the floyd idea. I'll probably help him with the installation.

I don't know about the route, but the Edge is a pretty big bridge.

Or just remove the string lock and block the bridge. That's probably the best thing to do without getting totally crazy with mods.
the shitty fucking cast metal crap that Ibanez used on that original bridge allowed the actual trem block to be cracked in two.

So it either needs a new prorocker or whatever, which will likely have more problems down the line....

or a proper upgrade. I gotta talk to buddy some more and find out what he wants to do. He seemed pretty stoked on the idea of a floyd though, last time i talked to him.
I should get around to fixing mine.

Once it's done, it will be a BEAST of a guitar...but I have no technical skills
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
Nothing technical about guitars , you just have to do the work.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
(06-24-2015, 08:43 PM)Oinkus Wrote: Nothing technical about guitars , you just have to do the work.

I beg to differ.

doing that work properly, knowing what to do, when, and how, is ALL technical skill. But it can all be learned. If there was nothing technical about it, every tom, dick and harry would be working on their guitars. The truth is that out of every 10 guitarists, maybe one or two will have the skills to be able to do it.
I can barely play, let alone fix shit.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 

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