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It Lives!
It's only this afternoon's vacation boredom fit.  Must not have been played in 15 years.

I'm the original owner, bought in September 1994 - Fender Custom Shop '54 Reissue.  Also have one of the "one of 1954 models" from that year too.

This one threw me a curveball...I had to (carefully) use a wrench to get the truss rod somewhat straight.  Hoping it will flatten out a little more over the next few days.

Otherwise. a straight shoot a little deoxit in the pots and switch, rub her down with Meguairs #7 and finally Naptha and set her up.  I did go down to 1/4" height screws for the E, B and Low E.  5/16" on the others.  Almost needed a shim.

Interesting things about this - Its a V neck, remembered the 54's were usually round to U.  It is however freaking huge around the 12'th fret, maybe bigger than the fabled NoCaster spec.

[Image: 1_zpsgz7a0h5i.jpg]
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
[-] The following 2 users Like lreese's post:
Well found an issue - 1st one I've run into on a 1 piece maple neck.

From Fret 1 to 17, the neck is fairly straight. So my thought is...

Rising tongue. There's been no shim on this guitar, but it is a birdseye neck, so I guess that can play into it. Frets seem well seated. This I can fix, but maybe later.... LOL
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
Sweet Strat! I've started using V necks for my guitars, really like that profile.
[-] The following 1 user Likes treyhaislip's post:
So I can't leave well enough alone...

So there's a rise in the tongue... and I'd like the other portion of the neck a little straighter. But I think I'm out of adjustment room...

Vendor on ebay wants $13 for 12 spacer washers. I go to Homey Deepot and buy 10 #10 brass washers. They're a little big, but let's leave it to Lower Appalachian know how. A few minutes later, wound up with 10 washers around .34 to 36 diameter... Used 2. Got enough for 4 more necks if I need them.

Working on re-setting it up right now, but I still had to resort to a little brute force to get the neck straight, but its close. Haven't measured anything relief wise, but its not buzzing and a slight bow, so its about right.
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!

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