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The Weed Thread
They sent me a couple of cans of this stuff it works great.

PHOENIX - There's a new drink being sold in Arizona -- but why are people comparing it to pot? It's called Drank, and it's a 16-ounce soda drink that tastes sort of like grape soda.

It's the opposite of an energy drink. Drank calls itself an extreme relaxation product, so much so, that some have dubbed it "weed in a can."

Brandon Rycombel sells and delivers Drank to stores. He says, "I think a lot of people use that for stress relief. That's what we use it for."It contains melatonin, valerian root and rose hips, a remedy that supposedly slows you down.
send me one
3dR3 Wrote:send me one

There is one can left and me and the wife are fighting over it, they sell it at 7-11 stores.
here in Nazi Philadelphia we don't have 7-11, we have Wawa. i'll keep my eyes pealed, I'll bet it's good with Jager.... hmm.
3dR3 Wrote:here in Nazi Philadelphia we don't have 7-11, we have Wawa. i'll keep my eyes pealed, I'll bet it's good with Jager.... hmm.

There is one in Ridley Park that I pass everyday, I'll grab one for you next time I'm in there.
Hooch Wrote:There is one in Ridley Park that I pass everyday, I'll grab one for you next time I'm in there.

Never thought I would see the day. You are going to encourage DR to move slower?
Securb Wrote:Never thought I would see the day. You are going to encourage DR to move slower?

Good point. That shit might cause him to finally drag himself in after 12 instead of the usual 10am.
Hooch Wrote:There is one in Ridley Park that I pass everyday, I'll grab one for you next time I'm in there.

ah, I had forgotten about that one.

I used to get some nasty ass food there after drinking!

I'll be in tomorrow at 2
Mexico decriminalized small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and heroin on Friday — a move that prosecutors say makes sense even in the midst of the government's grueling battle against drug traffickers.

Prosecutors said the new law sets clear limits that keep Mexico's corruption-prone police from shaking down casual users and offers addicts free treatment to keep growing domestic drug use in check. "This is not legalization, this is regulating the issue and giving citizens greater legal certainty," said Bernardo Espino del Castillo of the attorney general's office.

The new law sets out maximum "personal use" amounts for drugs, also including LSD and methamphetamine. People detained with those quantities no longer face criminal prosecution.

Espino del Castillo says, in practice, small users almost never did face charges anyway. Under the previous law, the possession of any amount of drugs was punishable by stiff jail sentences, but there was leeway for addicts caught with smaller amounts.

"We couldn't charge somebody who was in possession of a dose of a drug, there was no way ... because the person would claim they were an addict," he said.
Mexico may be onto something....... like less crowded pound-you-in-the-ass prisons.

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