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The Weed Thread
Would enable patients to get medical marijuana

A bill that would allow nonprofit stores in Rhode Island to sell marijuana to medical patients is headed to the governor's desk. The state Senate passed the bill Tuesday afternoon by a 30-2 margin.

The bill has already passed the House and now heads to Governor Donald Carcieri for approval. The governor vetoed similar legislation last year.
If it becomes law, the bill would allow so-called compassion centers to sell marijuana to registered patients with debilitating illnesses. Right now, 680 patients are registered with the Department of Health's medical marijuana program.

State lawmakers approved the use of medical marijuana in 2006, however they never legalized the sale of the drug. Under the current bill, Rhode Island would be the third state in the country and the first on the East Coast to approve marijuana dispensaries for medical patients.

“Sick patients and their caregivers shouldn’t have to risk their safety and deal with criminals to get the relief they need,” said bill sponsor Senator Rhode Perry (D-Dist. 3, Providence). “Rhode Island was compassionate enough a few years ago to recognize the benefit of marijuana for those who are suffering, and I’m proud that we’re now taking the next logical and necessary step and recognizing that patients need a safe, legal means to get it.”

Governor Carcieri has a week to either sign the legislation or veto it. If he does nothing, the bill will automatically become law without his signature. The legislation passed each chamber with significantly more than the three-fifths majority necessary to override a veto.
What's the over/under on when the store gets robbed in the first 24 hours?
This will be interesting to watch.

As far as robbing the store in concerned consider this: The store still has to get it from somewhere... I'm sure they aren't allowed to grow it. So, I'm sure they have security, they have too.
3dR3 Wrote:This will be interesting to watch.

As far as robbing the store in concerned consider this: The store still has to get it from somewhere... I'm sure they aren't allowed to grow it. So, I'm sure they have security, they have too.

Banks have security.
Hooch Wrote:Banks have security.

Rhode Island is the home of New England's organized crime family. I am sure the "security" in the weed stores will be a lot better than the banks. I get the feeling no one will have the balls to rob one.
Hooch Wrote:Banks have security.

banks aren't unscrupulous LOL and have FDIC insurance

drug dealers want their money..... and they'll get it.
TUSTIN, Calif. (AP) -- Police say a California man donning a bustier and watching porn on a computer in an apartment complex gym was arrested after officers found drugs in his backpack.

Sgt. Todd Bullock says 45-year-old Stephen Murdoch of Tustin was arrested early Tuesday after a security guard spotted him in a workout room that was supposed to be closed and locked.

When police peered inside, they saw Murdoch - also in a miniskirt, fishnet stockings and heels - hiding behind exercise equipment and watching an adult film on a laptop.

Officers noticed Murdoch was sweating profusely and talking quickly. They arrested him on suspicion of drug possession after allegedly finding marijuana, methamphetamine and pipes in his bag.

Murdoch did not return a call seeking comment Wednesday.
there you go kids, one more reason not to do meth...
3dR3 Wrote:there you go kids, one more reason not to do meth...

I didnt know you had a gym in your building
Securb Wrote:I didnt know you had a gym in your building

you knew about the stockings and miniskirt though :shifty:

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