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You're f'ing kidding me right?
White folks do the darnedest things

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Mao Sugiyama Cooks, Serves Own Genitals At Banquet

Mao Sugiyama, a self-described "asexual" from Tokyo, cooked up, seasoned and served his own genitalia to five diners at a swanky banquet in Japan last month, Calorie Lab reported.

Just days after Sugiyama's 22nd birthday, the artist underwent elective genital-removal surgery, divvied up the severed penis shaft, testicles, and scrotal skin between five people, and garnished it with button mushrooms and Italian parsley.

On April 13, five of six diners who signed up for the $250-a-plate feast, sat down to dinner. The sixth person was a no-show.
Speng Wrote:Mao Sugiyama Cooks, Serves Own Genitals At Banquet

Mao Sugiyama, a self-described "asexual" from Tokyo, cooked up, seasoned and served his own genitalia to five diners at a swanky banquet in Japan last month, Calorie Lab reported.

Just days after Sugiyama's 22nd birthday, the artist underwent elective genital-removal surgery, divvied up the severed penis shaft, testicles, and scrotal skin between five people, and garnished it with button mushrooms and Italian parsley.

On April 13, five of six diners who signed up for the $250-a-plate feast, sat down to dinner. The sixth person was a no-show.

Steve I will never complain about the team lunches TMR buys again
I love Hooch's new fish tank. He uses watermelon instead of typical fish food.

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An Arizona man is in custody after traveling to Tampa in an attempt to have sex with a 14-year-old girl.

Hillsborough County deputies say Jonathan David Lane, 33, has sent numerous lewd email and cell phone messages and pictures to the victim since June 2011.

Deputies say Lane had full knowledge of the victim's age, and physical condition as she is confined to a wheelchair.

On Sunday, deputies say Lane flew from Arizona to Tampa to meet with the victim with the intention of engaging in sexual activity, communicating his plans through a computer message.

Lane's airplane tickets were purchased by the victim using her grandmother's credit card, deputies say.

The victim's father intercepted email messages from Lane to the victim and contacted Tampa International Airport police, who detained him.

[Image: 0716lane-mug]
[Image: 134840934723cea52e8c.jpg]
Used enemas sold to CVS customers, federal indictment blames Jacksonville man

Boxes of used enemas ended up on CVS shelves because, federal authorities say, a Jacksonville man bought the items and then returned them, falsely claiming they had not been opened.

A federal grand jury in Jacksonville indicted Ronald Eugene Robinson, 34, with tampering with consumer products, the U.S. Attorney's Office said Thursday.

Authorities say Robinson bought several pre-packaged CVS/pharmacy ready-to-use enemas between April 10 and June 15. Prosecutors did not release the location of the store.

After using the enemas, Robinson resealed the items and returned them to CVS for refunds, claiming they were unused.

Several of the used enemas were returned to CVS shelves and resold, the U.S. Attorney's Office said.

Authorities believe all customers were notified of the tainted purchases.
A woman riding the Chicago Transit Authority's Blue Line in Oak Park told police she was last week attacked by another passenger wielding a sock filled with human feces.

"He had a sock full of his poop on me," the 21-year-old college student told the Pioneer Press. "It was everywhere; on my face, my hair, my clothes."
The victim, requesting anonymity, said she screamed and tried to follow her attacker, but he escaped up the Austin Boulevard exit and ran northbound on Austin.

The college student, who came to Oak Park six weeks ago to live with a family and provide in-home child care, said she was riding an east-bound train from Oak Park to Chicago when she was attacked.

"The guy got on with me at [the] Oak Park [station]," she said. "I wasn’t really paying attention. ... "Next stop [at Austin], he throws something in my face."
You think the guy shit directly into the sock or did he fill it by hand?

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