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Downloading Free Porn Tutorial:
You all know me as Pervertfreak and my user name is spot on. I have recently found the beauty of bit torrent downloading and want to share it with all of you. I now have (on my supercomputer) over 2,000 full length porn videos downloaded completely for free from the internet. (Needless to say, my dick is really sore... and my keyboard sticky...) "Bit Torrent" is a method of downloading large files from many different places at the same time, simultaneously which is much faster than DL'ing it from just one source. It's essentially file sharing. Once you DL a file other people can DL a tiny little piece of it from you (provided you keep your computer on and your bit torrent client running.)

In order to enjoy this wonderful world of free porn you need to download a free Bit Torrent program or client. I use and recommend uTorrent. It's the bestest, most popular program. Then you just need to find a place that has tons of free bit torrent files for downloading. I use and highly recommend They have THOUSANDS of full length videos available. Plus the site has a great search feature that works really well.

When it comes to bit torrent file sharing, you will notice SEEDERS and LEECHERS. Seeders are computers out there with the file available for DL while LEECHERS are people trying to DL the file. So when you are browsing bit torrent websites, you want to look for files with plenty of seeders and fewer leechers because the more seeders are out there, the faster you'll DL the video. Most high quality full length videos range in 80MB to 1 GB in size. But the average is around 400MB so if you've got a pathetic, little girly man computer you won't be able to download much. I however, in all my RADNESS can DL a nearly infinite treasure trove of hot steamy adult entertainment on my 2.25 terabytes of storage (that's 2,250 gigabytes!)

Something to mention, if you have Comcast cable (like me) downloading bit torrent files will greatly slow down your internet speed while DL'ing so you should pause or shutdown your downloads if you want to surf the web and then resume them when you are done. It's especially awesome to run uTorrent all night long while you slumber so that when you wake up in the morning you have the excitement of a 10 year old boy on Christmas morning while you run to your PC to see the dozens of wonderful presents that you received thorughout the night.

Another thing, by default, uTorrent opens a little popup window everytime a file is done downloading that says "Blowjob.wmv is finished downloading!" You might want to turn that off (so that your girlfriend or wife doesn't see it) by going to preferences and unchecking it or disabling it. That should be enough to get you started. HAVE FUN!

OH! I forgot to mention, I know that this sounds like a great way to get a virus or spy or adware but I take my PC's health VERY SERIOUSLY and I've been doing this for months and my PC is perfectly clean.
I can't believe no one has said a fucking word about this post. Did I write it too long and no one has read it? Are you all a bunch of prude dorks? Are you afraid to try it? Dudes, trust me I take the health of my PC very seriously and have never had a problem. And these are FULL LENGTH PORNS we're talking about here. Some of them are full DVD rips for cryin' out loud. It doesn't get any better than that.
pervertfreak Wrote:I can't believe no one has said a fucking word about this post. Did I write it too long and no one has read it? Are you all a bunch of prude dorks? Are you afraid to try it? Dudes, trust me I take the health of my PC very seriously and have never had a problem. And these are FULL LENGTH PORNS we're talking about here. Some of them are full DVD rips for cryin' out loud. It doesn't get any better than that.

We're too busy downloading porn to answer...
Dude, Perv, don't get so sensitive. I've been using Bit Torrent for years. I am highly aware of what it is capable of, I have been a member of many torrent sites that are adult related. Don't get your cockring in a bunch because we haven't praised you for showing us the golden ticket to porn (which truthfully, Bit Torrent is.) We've known you for years, going off and calling us a bunch of prude dorks is a bit much. :confused:
Yeah, that was a bit much Perv. I know a few people commented when you posted the same thing back on the TMR forums.

I used to use Bit Torrent all the time, but that was before I became a dorky prude.
Geez, I figured you guys would know I was kidding. You should know by now to NEVER take me seriously. Sorry I hurt your feelings guys. PM me your addresses so I can send you some tampons... Damn cockring's riding up again! Aargh! Where's the lube?!
and i rub one out to 30 second clips... what was i thinking? oh yeah i wasn't i was beating it
i can take a ball busting, i get it 20 times a day from C-Notes. Just wondering what your true intentions were there for a bit.

and yeah, like 3d said I get maybe 2 minutes in and i'm done. i barely even have time to watch tv, let alone porn!
pervertfreak Wrote:PM me your addresses so I can send you some tampons...

Could you make it a couple of boxes of Summer's Eve instead? I'm not feeling too fresh and there are a couple of seagulls that keep following me around.
Worm Wrote:i can take a ball busting, i get it 20 times a day from C-Notes. Just wondering what your true intentions were there for a bit.

and yeah, like 3d said I get maybe 2 minutes in and i'm done. i barely even have time to watch tv, let alone porn!

i said nothing about 2 minutes... sometimes i'll start, take a break, then start up again... stamina is important you know, for when there's actually a chick around LOL

i'm picky about whom i finish too... sometimes that's the longest part, finding the money shot pic/vid... that is until i hear the garage door going up, then it's clean up in a hurry time!

i think i've realized i've come full circle in life.......

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