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The Weather Thread
Oprah had Precious over for breakfast
This is a crazy storm. We got about 2 inches of snow, then nothing for several hours, but they keep promising 18 more inches. The whole city is shut down. The weather maps certainly look like something is coming, but they keep pushing the time back. Now I'm wondering if I'm getting another snowday tomorrow.
There's no crying in baseball
Gator Wrote:This is a crazy storm. We got about 2 inches of snow, then nothing for several hours, but they keep promising 18 more inches. The whole city is shut down. The weather maps certainly look like something is coming, but they keep pushing the time back. Now I'm wondering if I'm getting another snowday tomorrow.

It snowed all night here, then it was raining this morning, now it is snowing again and supposed to continue until tonight. I could probably get into work... but fuck it, nobody else is working.
Its getting nasty out. Just had a mail truck and some asshole in a van collide right in front of my house. Both were stuck for like an hour. I thought about helping... for like 3 seconds.
Hooch Wrote:Its getting nasty out. Just had a mail truck and some asshole in a van collide right in front of my house. Both were stuck for like an hour. I thought about helping... for like 3 seconds.

So what are saying is you and your kid stood in the window and laughed at the clowns for an hour.
Securb Wrote:So what are saying is you and your kid stood in the window and laughed at the clowns for an hour.

The question is, did he take pictures so we could laugh too?
This weather is riduculous. There are tree limbs down all around my house. Mine, my neighbors, all over my street. There was a huge one laying across the width of my driveway most of the day yesterday until the guy with the plow came by and pushed it out of the way. I have another one lying on some electrical wires in between my house and my neighbors house. I called the electric company yesterday. I guess they'll make it out when they can.

As a bonus, we lost cable, internet and phone from about 8 PM Wed til about 2 yesterday. We had to have real conversation and everything. It really wasn't that bad at all. Fortunately, we actually still like each other :), even after being together for 27 years.

We sat around shooting the shit Wed night, then watched a couple of DVDs on Thurs AM until we decided to go shovel. Then we all went out and shoveled. We worked it out.
There's no crying in baseball
oh look, more snow in next week's forecast!
bring it, mother f'er
We are having a slushfest today, I hear you Philly guys are haveint a Snow Hurricane? WTF? That is what you get for throwning snowballs at Santa. Karma motherfuckers.

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