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Anyone played with effects in Stereo?

I did for the 1st time yesterday (with real amps - I've done with modelers before) - Interesting experience... Had only about 4 feet between the amps, but could definitely discern the separation.

Weird thing this time around was that chorus (Choralflange) sounded a bit better and micro pitch (H9) had less effect. Seemed counter-intuitive to me, but oh well.

The delays were pretty cool on the H9's, BTW.

Might set up for wet/dry/wet next. Seems I might be able to get that in without a lot of extra space used.

Amps used - A '66 Vibrolux and a recent Princeton that's been PTP'ed.
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
My Parker is stereo I can run the magnetic and piezo pickups through different rigs. I have dialed in some pretty funky tones with the right settings.
I'd love to play with it, but setting up for stereo is too much trouble.

At church the PA is mono, so it would not matter.

With the band, we typically have to scrounge for a sound tech or mix ourselves. Too much hassle to dial in stereo on the guitar.
Because I said so. 
Back in 1984 I bought a Boss CE-3 chorus that had stereo output. I put the dry side into my Randall RG-80 (which distorted like a Marshall) and the wet side into my Sears what-the-fuck amp daisy chained into a pawn shop what-the-fuck 2x10 cabinet (which distorted differently in this incredible pawn shop Jimmy Page Supro what-the-fuck kind of way), and my guitar sounded so big and wide and room filling, I was like, "This is it! I will never play anything else!"

There is no recorded proof, but I'm certain my junk grew several inches that day - though possibly only temporarily.

Everyone should be armed ...until nobody has guns.
I've got a stereo quad box [ SD ]. which means I can run two heads on two pairs of speakers in the box. I have tried it but I can't remember what it sounded like.

I use a stereo analog delay that I take each output to each of the two channels on the amp. The delayed signal gets a different EQ to the direct out. I should try the two amps again with the delay splitting the signal.
I use a stereo chorus pedal as a splitter at the end of my pedal board. I run that into two amps. Even when I don't have the chorus turned on, it sounds pretty awesome.
A friend of mine is giving me a free Silverface Bassman tomorrow. I've wanted to have two Bassmen for so long you don't even know. The stereo will be crazy good.
(05-06-2015, 11:27 AM)youngthrasher9 Wrote: If it came down to it, I might suck dick for my family.

I'm also thinking about getting an identical amp for that purpose.

Probably would have to be another Princeton or maybe Brown Deluxe. Other obligations are putting this on the back burner.
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
(06-11-2014, 08:33 AM)Agileguy Wrote: A friend of mine is giving me a free Silverface Bassman tomorrow.

You pencil sucking mother fisting sock puppet skank magnet gob of pus anal driplet cock smoking feather duster whore monger prick licking gas igniting gutter release ejectamenta ass pimple skid mark crust flank bog sipping wart popping snatch itch stench wrangling johnson eater!

I think what I'm trying to say is, I'm happy for you, bro!
I need a second amp for cleans. On a related note, I appear to be turning into a pussy.

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