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Take a moment and appreciate this.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
i can appreciate the fact that he has really mastered all the techniques and signature sounds associated with those three genres.

But holy shit, that song sucks, there is zero feel through the whole thing and no groove whatsoever.

This is why djent sucks dicks for nickels.

The best I can say about that song was that some of the metal riffs weren't the worst I've ever heard.

Also, I can't take anybody that plays an 8 string Agile seriously.

Oh the irony
(05-06-2015, 11:27 AM)youngthrasher9 Wrote: If it came down to it, I might suck dick for my family.


As shit as djent is, this guy incorporated three styles into a jam and rocked it.

It isn't a masterpiece...I just thought it was cool.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
Having spent a significant amount of time on sevenstringdotorg, I can tell you right now that some skill is completely wasted on shitty music.

As for this video/song I didn't listen so I don't know if it applies.

Be that way.
Trust me, I'm a medical professional. 
That's amazing! How does he do all of that unplugged?
Because I said so. 

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