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Moving away from tube amps. Need power amp help.
The H&K Grandmeister might be something to look into also , digital effects and tubes. I would try and avoid buying things for any reason , you can do the order and return to MF and you have 45 days and only have to pay shipping.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
Like I've said before, the whole point of this setup is for recording. Nothing more. If I were gigging or planning on gigging, this would not be happening.

The thing is, I've spent the last 2 years learning my DAW and the production side of things. The main thing I've learned is that when recoding, a tube amp is not necessary. People can say all the crap they want about it, but it's true. Learn about reamping, it'll change the way you think about recording guitars. Hell, the last time I used a moddeler from my DAW, my buddy thought I had recorded my Pittbull. He said, "Damn, that Pittbull sounds better every time you use it." I didn't have the heart to tell him what it really was, he's a bit of a tube amp snob too.

Again, if I were gigging and playing live, there is no doubt that would want my tube amps back. They just sound better live. There is no argument from me there.

What I'm building is a customizable recording rig. Yeah, I could just buy a Pod or some shit like that, but where is the fun in that. I'm a guitar player. I likes to fuck my rig constantly and try new things. With this setup, I can still buy and trade my pedals. I can get new preamps to add to my collection.

There are lots of advantages to this type of recording rig, and that's exactly what it is. A recording rig. If I were in a gigging band, I would not even consider it.

Check this out. Watch the whole video and you'll understand.

[video=youtube]http://Poweramp A/B - Peavey 6505 vs ISP Stealth:[/video]
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
It takes a tube screamer excellently, chorus and reverb sounds great with it too.

With the "sweep" controls you can pretty much target whatever mid frequency you want to hear more of.

There's just a shitload of ways you can make it sound awesome. I've never run VST effects with it, or used a dirt box with it (because that would be fucking redundant as hell, considering the gain available). I see no reason why it wouldn't take either one just fine.

I run it into the FX return on my Blackstar HT-20. It has EL34s. I've run it into the amp sim app I have too with good results, for what I was using.
(07-21-2015, 03:18 AM)youngthrasher9 Wrote: It takes a tube screamer excellently, chorus and reverb sounds great with it too.

With the "sweep" controls you can pretty much target whatever mid frequency you want to hear more of.

There's just a shitload of ways you can make it sound awesome. I've never run VST effects with it, or used a dirt box with it (because that would be fucking redundant as hell, considering the gain available). I see no reason why it wouldn't take either one just fine.

I run it into the FX return on my Blackstar HT-20. It has EL34s. I've run it into the amp sim app I have too with good results, for what I was using.

I keep hearing that the lower gain tones on it can still be a little raspy and fizz a little. I plan on using my many dirt pedals for low gain, into the clean. The OCD will probably cover that alone.
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
Well, I no longer own a tube amp. The last one sold this morning.

I ordered the ISP Theta, and Stealth power amp this morning. Hell, I still have about $500 to blow on new toys! Any suggestions?
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
[-] The following 2 users Like karpathion's post:
You can get a Coleco-type system for about $30...with games.
Because I said so. 
[-] The following 4 users Like LesStrat's post:
Just warning you ahead of time Karp, don't try use your standard methods for dialing in the Theta. Forget what you know, consult the manual and go from there.

I learned the hard way. I spent like a half hour dialing it in thinking the whole time "why doesn't this sound right?".
I've heard something like that a couple times now.

Surely it can't be any worse than my old Krank. You could chase tones for days on that thing. All because of the way the sweep and presence interacted. Once you did get it, it sounded great though
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
I'm trying to figure out why you need a power amp for a strictly recording setup. I thought most preamps had a line out, and therefore no need for a power amp. Maybe you just want to mic some speakers?
For noodling, writing riffs, and being able to jam with someone else if the need does arrive. Playing through headphones all the time kind of sucks. Plus, I will be micing up a cab for one of my stereo tracks. One track will be done straight into the DAW. The other will be a miced up cab.

There are lots of reasons.
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.

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