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Michael Kelly Patriot Magnum
 Nice guitar for $195 shipped , made in Korea and much better then any of the Epis and high dollar Squiers I have purchased. Very few tweaks got it very playable and the Duncan designed sound much better  then anticipated. Jumbo frets are very nice and the fretwork is quite good , I lowered the action way down and had zero fret buzz until it was actually touching.Since I had planned on selling it I did not  get the machines and straplocks I normally buy with a purchase. The guy I was trying to help by getting it pretty much doesn't want it now and is unwilling to pay $300 for a guitar worth 500 easily. They sell anywhere from 250 to 599 is the range that I have seen actual sales recently. Ebony board is nice hard black and shiny compound radius too , 24 frets easy to use all the way to the top. Sharing a volume and tone is eh? but not the endoftheworld . I could live without it being Oakland Raider colorsl[Image: MK%20Magnum%20007.jpg][Image: MK%20Magnum%20006.jpg][Image: MK%20Magnum%20005.jpg][Image: MK%20Magnum%20003.jpg][Image: MK%20Magnum%20002.jpg][Image: MK%20Magnum%20001.jpg]
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
i like that heel.
I thought this was going to be about condoms.
(05-06-2015, 11:27 AM)youngthrasher9 Wrote: If it came down to it, I might suck dick for my family.

MK FTW! Really great guitars.

That looks sweet. Reminds me that I haven't played my Patriot in awhile...
Someone should put that in their signature…
That is not bad wiring for Korea. My B.C. Rich came with the shittiest wiring job and components I have ever seen.
Pretty nice and wired cleaner than any imports I've ever had but my Czech Deans.
I was pretty impressed with the quality and the feel of this guitar right out of the box. It is built so much better then the 2 2014 SG's I setup and upgraded last year. Router marks on both headstocks (big and deep ones) , wiring was half assed at best and the plekked fretwork is just less then spectacular on every level. The MK played better and sound better by far was setup quite well requiring a few minutes for my uptight , overly analytical stupidity to just test how low the action could go. $195 vs $1000 made in the USA. I take an MK every time given that choice. I like the duncan designed pups better then the Gibson 490 set too.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
Neckjob found the mahogany [Image: MK%20Neckjob%20001.jpg] [Image: MK%20Neckjob%20003.jpg] Way too hot and humid to do more , got to finish at 120 grit and it will be easy from there.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
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And we have Oil today ! [Image: MK%20neck%20002.jpg] The sealer they put on the neck under the paint was really hard to remove. Look down at the heel and those 2 marks are some of it that wasn't obvious until the tung oil hit the wood. Pretty smooth for a mahogany neck at 800 grit might require 1200 or so to be just right.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
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After drying for less then 24 hours it is nice ! Machines be here in 2 or 3 days and it will get a final setup. Be quite a while until anything else gets done to this guitar at the rate of zero work coming in now.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley

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