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Thicker than Kim Kardashian's ass
Yes, my tone will be thicker than Kim Kardashian's ass. I just got an UPS delivery alert on my phone.  My Celestion G15V-100 Fullback just arrived. It is 100 watts and 8 ohms so I am going to run it side-by-side with my 4x12 or 2x12 through the JCM 2000 depending on the gig. I am guessing it will probably sound killer with my Quad Reverb also. At the house I will probably use it as my main speaker for my Orange Micro Terror. I am just waiting on the cab now which should be here in a week or so. 

[Image: g15v100fullback_zoom1.png]
[-] The following 2 users Like Securb's post:
What does the " G15V " stand for ? huge grin
[-] The following 1 user Likes GoldenVulture's post:
I can't wait to rev this bitch up 

[Image: CbdEX3wUAAAjOFB.jpg:large]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Securb's post:
100 What? :p
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
15" speaker ?
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
(02-18-2016, 08:58 AM)Oinkus Wrote: 15" speaker ?

Yep, that's your 15 inch big boy right there. I am waiting on this puppy to load it in. I am hoping a week maybe two before the cab gets here. 

[Image: 1372_Front_1__55145.1437179331.1280.1280.jpg]
[-] The following 1 user Likes Securb's post:
That's gonna be tasty as fuck
(05-06-2015, 11:27 AM)youngthrasher9 Wrote: If it came down to it, I might suck dick for my family.

[-] The following 1 user Likes Agileguy's post:
Getting a little tweed action going! Like it!
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
I am eventually making a rig with a 15 to match with my HK 36 no speaker out on the damn thing so I bought a $50 parallel Y cable to do it. Going to get the cheap $99 ebay cab , but I have to use a 16 ohm speaker so my options are pretty grim. Eminence and Celestion don't make them. These are about the only options available Yours is going to sound much better I am pretty sure.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
Never had a 15 in all the gazillions in gear I've had. Maybe one day.
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!

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