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Thicker than Kim Kardashian's ass
(02-18-2016, 10:43 AM)lreese Wrote: Getting a little tweed action going!  Like it!

Yep, everything thing I own is black I thought I would bring in a bit of color. I also thought it would be cool having this retro looking cab blasting out the bottom end of my tone. I dig the vintage look/modern sound thing. 

(02-18-2016, 11:31 AM)Oinkus Wrote: I am eventually making a rig with a 15 to match with my HK 36 no speaker out on the damn thing so I bought  a $50 parallel Y cable to do it. Going to get the cheap $99 ebay cab , but I have to use a 16 ohm speaker so my options are pretty grim. Eminence and Celestion don't make them. These are about the only options available  Yours is going to sound much better I am pretty sure.

Celestion is working on a 16 ohm version of this speaker. I will will let you know when they start shipping. 
You see, this is where fucking gas comes from! You just had to put that where I could see it... Now, I want one.
I hear Mexico is nice this time of year.
[-] The following 1 user Likes karpathion's post:
And now we have a more expensive speaker to buy geez Bruce thanks a ton. That cab is not cheap either. You got the Fender Quad working really ?
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
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(02-18-2016, 01:45 PM)Oinkus Wrote: And now we have a more expensive speaker to buy geez Bruce thanks a ton. That cab is not cheap either. You got the Fender Quad working really ?

Finally got the old girl going. New tubes, speakers, grill, hardware and I had a tech go through the whole thing, it was throwing current if you touched it. It sounds like a dream a loud as fuck dream. 

[Image: CPS1JZaVAAAq_iF.jpg]

[Image: CPS1JX9UAAAoxhQ.jpg]

[Image: CPS1JYEVEAEAewa.jpg]
[-] The following 2 users Like Securb's post:
Someone should put that in their signature…
I hope your amp tech was close to your Chiropractor's office.
Proud Deplorable/Listless Vessel/Garbage!
[-] The following 3 users Like lreese's post:
I was really hoping a pic had surfaced of Kim's butthole but then I realized this is the gear forum.

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The cab showed up and the speaker is in. The wife had a tough day it seems so I am going to wait a day to crank it. I am displaying much control

[Image: CdJIPYQUYAAW7ny.jpg:large]

...and installed. 

[Image: CdJMkUGUkAAJ9JQ.jpg:large]
[-] The following 3 users Like Securb's post:
Has a lid for the back too , could be a nice change of sound. Nice job reading my mind , been stewing on a 15" cab for a long while.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
Putting together a 15 cab for my HK 36 , cheapo on ebay and a Jensen MOD 15 . Going to be a bit odd because the 15 is smaller then the combo but it is all I could afford.With the $50 special cable I bought it will be a semi - stack since it has no ext speaker outputs grrrrr. Total cost well under $300 , sound is yet to be determined.
Do as thou wilt . Aleister Crowley
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