Sunday, September 8, 2024

Suds With Securb: American Beer’s Paul Kermizian

Every so often a movie makes us take a step back and question our direction and purpose in life. The documentary American Beer by...

Suds With Securb: Lawnmower Beers 101

I headed out his morning to pickup a twelve pack of beer and a couple of bags of grass. Even up here in cold...

Suds With Securb: For Pete’s Sake

As a child I remember a golden liquid that sparkled as sunlight penetrated the glass that housed it. This amber ambrosia, as I would...

Suds With Securb: Fly like an Eagle

Everything old is new again… I have been doing much reflection on Anheuser-Busch recently. You see in my old neighborhood Bud always had and...

Suds With Securb: Homebrewing 101: Adventures in Extreme Home Brewing

I was a messy kid. My bedroom was legend as a teenager for the piles of clothing and electronics parts that kept all but...

Suds With Securb: Valentine’s Day: The best chocolates don’t come in boxes!

Last year in writing my Valentine’s Day Sud’s column, I set out to make my Amstel Light drinking wife a beer fan. A year...

Suds With Securb: Superbowl XXXIX Beers

It is actually painful writing my Superbowl column this year simply because I am a Dolphins fan. Yes you heard me right. Even after...

Suds With Securb: I Got Wood

I Got Wood January 14, 2005 After being in sales for the majority of my adult life one term has emerged that I can’t stand, “Win-Win!”...

Suds With Securb: The Year In The Brew

The Year In The Brew December 21, 2004 I am sitting here in the TMR Entertainment office suites with John Lennon playing Happy Xmas (War Is...

Suds With Securb: Beer Geer 101

Beer Geer 101 December 02, 2005 With Christmas around the corner I thought I would do some online beer gear shopping for my beer buds. What...

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No, Seriously, Sexism in Video Games

In my last post, I made a point of ridiculing the notion that a lack of female protagonists means that developers are sexists. Essentially,...

The Top 8 Video Game Couples