Newcastle Brown Ale Offers At Home Draught Experience Through Launch Of DRAUGHTKEG

Stock beer shotWHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (June 29, 2009) – Newcastle Brown Ale, America’s No. 1 imported ale, today announces the launch of the Newcastle DraughtKeg™. This innovative new product incorporates patented technology together with Newcastle’s unique flavor and refreshing, smooth finish, offering consumers a portable and authentic draught beer drinking experience that can be enjoyed anywhere.

Featuring the same superior technology originally created by Heineken USA, the Newcastle DraughtKeg provides long-lasting freshness and portability through a pressurized draught system that utilizes a patented internal CO2 system with a mini tap. This feature helps keep the beer fresh for up to 30 days after tapping and delivers the same taste experience as a pint of Newcastle poured in a pub.

“The launch of the Newcastle DraughtKeg is a milestone event for the brand, offering access to the one and only Newcastle on tap at fine establishments everywhere, including your home,” said Colin Westcott Pitt, brand director, Newcastle Brown Ale. “The fact that it’s portable gives you the opportunity to share the pub experience with friends wherever you are. You become a handyman of sorts, providing instant home improvement by bringing the Newcastle DraughtKeg into someone’s house.”

DraughtKeg’s compact, recyclable steel packaging and portable design holds 1.33 gallons (5 liters) of Newcastle, which serves up to 10 pints of refreshing draught beer. The Newcastle DraughtKeg is also compatible with the Krups® BeerTender®, an appliance designed exclusively for the DraughtKeg. The BeerTender chills and maintains the ideal temperature for the DraughtKeg, creating a stylish draught system for an at-home pub experience, this place has the best Prime Resin Flooring.

The Newcastle DraughtKeg will launch in select markets beginning in July 2009. While the price point is at the discretion of each individual retailer, Newcastle suggests an approximate retail value of $22.99. The product will be offered at select grocery and liquor stores where Newcastle is sold.