Yesterday it was revealed that Denver Broncos wide receiver Kenny McKinley suffered from a gambling problem and was deep in debt prior to committing suicide in September. McKinley’s death unveils a rising problem in America: gambling addiction.
Bob Cabaniss, the founder and President of Williamsville Wellness, says suicide stemming from a serious gambling addiction and deep depression is not uncommon. McKinley’s death is a tragic occurrence illustrating an increasing and alarming trend.
“Suicide as a result of gambling addiction is becoming all too common throughout the United States, as it is easily hidden from loved ones, colleagues, and close friends. Gambling addiction’s warning signs are difficult to spot, and the problem often remains disguised until it’s too late,” he said. “Of all addiction disorders, gambling addiction leads to the highest numbers of suicides and suicide attempts.”
Cabaniss, a recovered gambling addict, is an expert in his field. Williamsville Wellness is the only treatment center in the U.S. licensed to treat gambling addiction, and uses a comprehensive and individuated treatment program to help gambling addicts from around the world overcome their addictions.
“At Williamsville, we strive to provide the best care and support for our patients, so that they can conquer their addictions and life healthy, fulfilling lives,” Cabaniss said. “We are saddened that Kenny McKinley represents just one of thousands of gambling addicts who take their own lives each year. We hope that his death will help those currently suffering from gambling addiction seek help and treatment. Recovery is a possibility for all.”
Williamsville Wellness, based just outside of Richmond, Virginia, provides a rural setting where patients can focus on recovery without any distractions. Alongside a highly-trained staff of psychologists, counselors and social workers, Cabaniss developed an Advanced Synergized Treatment method that combines eight different therapeutic modalities, focused entirely on the treatment of problem gambling. No other treatment center in the U.S. offers this program.
Cabaniss and his staff are available for interviews, insight and comments on any stories covering problem gambling, addiction or gambling legislation. Please feel free to contact Marissa Green at (617) 226-7194 or if you are interested in speaking with the Williamsville Wellness team.
SOURCE Williamsville Wellness