Rock Band 3 Coming For The Holiday Season of 2010

Rock Band 3Viacom President and CEO Philippe Dauman has revealed Rock Band 3 for for the holiday season of 2010, reports Kotaku.

Dauman revealed the game while speaking at the Credit Suisse Group Global Media and Communications Conference this morning. Harmonix followed his revelation with a series Tweeting confirming the game’s existance. The official Rock Band Facebook page then bragged:

Harmonix is developing Rock Band 3 for worldwide release this holiday season! The game, which will be published by MTV Games and distributed by Electronic Arts, will innovate and revolutionize the music genre once again, just as Harmonix did with the original Rock Band, Rock Band 2 and The Beatles: Rock Band. Stay tuned for more details!

Rock Band 3

What could make Rock Band 3 “revolutionary”? Can you say “keyboard”? What would you like to see from a new Rock Band?


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