In the new Runaways movie Kristen Stewart shares lesbian kiss with Dakota Fanning. The only thing that prevented Stewart from going further says Stewart was Dakota’s age.
The 19 year old Twilight Eclipse star told Access Hollywood. “She was 15, and I wasn’t allowed to grope her,” “I’m actually not kidding, there are major restrictions that I don’t remember [from] when I was younger.”
In the movie Kristen stars as outwardly gay rock icon Joan Jett. Joan has been known to eat a kitten or two to wind down from a hectic touring schedule. If Kristen is a method actor I would imagine she would have eaten a kitten or two to immerse herself into the persona of Jett.
Kristen said the kiss was “just something that happened in their lives.” Well eating kittens is also something that happened in Joan Jett’s life, how did she embrace that aspect of playing Joan Jett?
“I don’t want to give anything way. It’s a really passionate, hardcore scene,” she joked. “No, it’s just a kiss. It’s not really a big deal.”
Well is seems in Hollywood and the sports word kitten eating in not considered a big deal. Just take a look at some of the other celebrities we have tied to kitten eating. I have news for these people. Kitten eating is a big deal and is still illegal in many states, luckily for Stewart there is no legislation against it in California.