Game of Thrones’ Sean Bean Stabbed While Defending Topless Model April Summers (PICS)

A few days after his character, Ned Stark, met up with a blade on Game of Thrones, actor Sean Bean took a stabbing himself defending the honor of a maiden. While having a smoke outside a pub with friend, and model, April Summers, a fellow pub-goer started making some rude remarks about her topless modeling career in Italian Playboy. Bean challenged the jackass and apparently was stabbed with a broken bottle.

Since he wasn’t finished drinking at that particular time, the pub staff cleaned his wound and Bean had a few more rounds. That sounds pretty badass to me. Even more badass is that Bean is 52 and his “friend” April is 23. Winning.

Yeah, yeah, I know what you all want now. Click any of the thumbnails of April below to see the full-sized version. Images 1 and 6 are obviously NSFW:

Yes! I’d take some shrapnel for that.

Apparently Bean is home and doing fine. His daughter, who is only 3 years younger than the maiden he defended, said “Dad’s just resting at home at the moment. Fortunately it wasn’t too serious. He’ll be fine.”

Bean has been married and divorced four times. There is only one way to keep this man down… do to him in real life what happened on Game of Thrones on Sunday night.