Leif Garrett Still Alive at 50

With the passing of Michael Clark Duncan, we thought we would check in on our favorite actor, Leif Garrett. It turns out not only is Leif Garrett still alive but he actually played a gig a couple of weeks ago. Seeing Leif has a very limited catalog of original music I am guessing the gig was a bit like watching a karaoke show.

Like Duncan, Leif has been in an impressive list of films. The 1978 flop Skateboard, Delta Fever that I think went straight to VHS and who could forget his embarrassing performance in Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Just the memory of that movie killed two of the Gibb brothers.

Unfortunately, Leif’s brilliant film career was a casualty of Leif love affair with black tar heroin. I can only imagine the brilliant work he would have produced if he had not fried his brains on dope, maybe Skateboard II or even Skateboard III: The Prequel. There is a glimmer of hope still for fans of this actor/singer/junkie. For a hefty cover charge they can still go see Leif belt out Surfing USA.