Rihanna had yet another flirtation with nudity on stage recently. Seeing how often her body parts have been photographed lately, we are thinking she just does not give a f#%! The see through, topless and nipple slip shots are piling up for Rihanna. It is getting to the point where her career is more focused on her celebrity than her talent.
Taylor Swift does not have to flash her ass and tits to sell records, neither does Carrie Underwood. Are they better singers than Rihanna? I would not go that far. Are they classier, without a doubt.
However, there is a place in entertainment for artists like Rihanna. From Janis Joplin to Cher female singers have been using their sexuality to sell records. There are plenty of male artists that have sold substance less music based solely on their sexuality and looks also. Rihanna isn’t the first and definitely won’t be the last singer to show us her tits.
Click on the pic below to see Rihanna pierced nipples, be sure to check out our scandalous celebrity nip slips, hacked photos and wardrobe malfunctions here.