Russian Band LOUNA Robbed During Second Week of Tour in Dallas, TX

Russian hard rock band LOUNA is currently on tour in the United States with The Pretty Reckless and Heaven’s Basement. Today, in Dallas, TX, the band’s touring van was unfortunately robbed of passports, unique DVD merchandise, MP3 players, computers (one of the SILVER Macbook serial numbers is SW89521YF66D, if found), cash, and many other personal belongings by a currently unknown individual. The band and crew are missing nearly all of their personal items that they came to America with. The only things that weren’t stolen were items actually attached to the vehicle.

This incident occurred between 12:30PM and 1:00PM TODAY, October 4, 2013 in the parking lot outside of a restaurant in Caruth Plaza in Dallas, just yards from where the band was standing.

LOUNA is relying on American law enforcement to assist them in locating the individual that robbed them of their much-needed items. As a band from another country, it is even more of a struggle to be without their personal belongings with weeks of touring left to complete. The band is charging on, but they need assistance of law enforcement and fans in order to bring down the individual that committed this crime.

PLEASE NOTE: If anyone finds any of the 28 live DVD’s that were stolen from LOUNA in a pawn shop or sold on the street, it was stolen in this robbery and should be reported to the authorities.

If there is any possibility that anyone has any information on the whereabouts of this person, or anyone saw anything suspicious in the aforementioned area, please contact us to pass information to the band.

Thank you.

For press inquiries and additional information, please contact Adrenaline PR and Maria Ferrero