Nuts n More Peanut Butter – A Healthy Snack that Tastes Great

If you haven’t tried out Nuts n More nut butter products, and you like peanut or almond butters, you are missing out. Nuts n More make a selection of flavored products including both almond butter and peanut butter that are fast becoming customer favorites. The combination of unique flavors and nutrition facts that best most existing products have made it a go to product for health conscious consumers.

What we like about Nuts n More:
-Higher protein content as compared to most nut butters
-Low carbohydrate count
-High fiber
-Added flax seed

Where to Buy Nuts n More:
If you are in the New England area including RI, MA or NH you can check out a Performance Nutrition location listed on our website.
Outside of this geographic area we ship to any location in the U.S.

Nuts n More Nutrition Facts:
See the nutrition facts on our website.

Dominick Walsh is a blogger for Performance Nutrition and and covers all men’s health topics and exercise issues including protein powders, diets, weight loss, weight lifting supplements, fat burners and supplement reviews. Dominick’s columns cover everything you need to know about your pre, during and post workout nutrition.
