The Artwork of Geek Imprint

A born and raised native of Chicago Illinois, Geek Imprint is a professional artist whose work includes storyboards for short films and commercials, concept work for products and logo design.
He also works in character design, (a character designer is someone who takes a concept image and creates the final image we see in such things as video games, animation, movies and comics) and environmental work (these are the artists who create all the props and surroundings that bring things such as video games or movies, for example, to life and make both the background and surroundings more believable), but unlike many artists he doesn’t share it through his personal media.

Rather, what Geek Imprint shares and promotes personally is the work he does outside of his professional life.

Geek Imprint’s private work is bright, character focused, (a by-product of his professional work), using both clean lines and colours that bring his characters to life through digital medium.
His illustrations have a life to them that translates a personality from the image to the viewer; which is a lot rarer than many may realize.

With all the video game and comic art being more prevalently displayed, (as these markets have become mainstream multibillion-dollar industries), its not uncommon to see artwork that is technically amazing yet devoid of any personality inside the images focus character(s).

This is not the case with Geek Imprint’s work.

He captures the poses and facial expressions in his images where one feels a sense that the character is about to move, or that you almost see the smile or sneer forming as you look.
His of the clean lines and bright colours keep the images from looking cluttered while still giving the viewer a sense of depth and detail.

Adding to the allure of his personal media is his sharing of the different stages of his images instead of just showing the finished product. And, as a bonus in his media, Geek Imprint is a genuinely nice guy who supports other artists and interacts with his fans through both conversation and doing the occasional give-away art commission. He even celebrated his birthday by doing a giveaway commission for one of his fans.

While he is still establishing his volume of this work, what he has produced so far will keep people looking through his existing portfolio and hoping for future works.

You can follow Geek Imprints work through his Instagram, Tumblr, help support his expanding work by becoming a Patreon or even order a commission by contacting him via email at:

John Goodale is the author of ‘Johnny Gora’ (available through, and a number of articles here on His monthly column ‘Indy Comics Spotlight’ appears here and through his blog Indy Comics Spotlight
Indy Comics spotlight