Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta Details Revealed (Trailer + Release Date)

IGN has revealed more details about the upcoming Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta, which will begin on June 28 for Sony PlayStation Plus subscribers – and gamers who got the voucher from inFamous 2 – and July 4 for the rest of the PS3 community. It’ll end on July 13.

Some of the details given away by IGN is that the beta will have a level cap of 25, and will include nine multiplayer modes, including the standard deathmatching (which includes team and 3-team, which consists of three teams of two people facing off), team objective, free for all (which is basically old fashioned deathmatching), plunder (capture the flag, er, treasure), high stakes (a gambling mode Black Ops gamers are familiar with), and three undisclosed co-op modes, but you can bet at least one will be a Horde-style mode. There will be two maps to play the game modes on, an airfield map and a French chateau.

One of the more intriguing Uncharted 3 multiplayer features are Power Plays. These are one-minute events that’ll occur in blowouts to give the losing team a fighting chance; the beta will include four Power Plays including:.

  • Marked Man – A person on the winning team is marked, and the losing team gets 3 points if they kill him. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each kill and a special medal if the Marked Man doesn’t die.
  • Cursed – The winning team sees all characters as skeletons and friendly fire is turned on. Each time the losing team gets a kill or the winning team kills one of its own, the losing team gets two points. Meanwhile, the winning team gets double cash for each member of the losing team killed.
  • Exposed – The winning team’s location is revealed to the losing team. The winning team gets double cash for each losing team member killed.
  • Double Damage – Losing team inflicts double damage. Winning team earns double cash for each kill.

The beta will also allow players to load two “boosters”, which are basically perks per match, which gives them special abilities, like “Come Here”, which allows you to see the player who killed you on your radar til they die. Players can also add a “Medal Kickback”; when you earn medals on the battlefield, they go towards charging a special power that can be used once the meter is filled, such as a speed boost or spawning an RPG.

Let us know if you’re excited for the Uncharted 3 beta.

Jonah Falcon is a blogger for TMRzoo and GameStooge.com and covers all gaming consoles and platforms including Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP and computer games designed for Mac OS, Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Jonah provides his readers with reviews, previews, release dates and up to date gaming industry news, trailers and rumors.

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