This week, Jonah has the flu, but still manages to host despite hacking and coughing (which was edited out of the podcast), and having a nasally voice as well. Jordan was not so lucky, and couldn’t make it at all. Despite all this, the crew manages to give Dan a sendoff in his last regular podcast.
The news was also pretty major this week, including: THQ finally dissolved, assets auctioned off, Dead Space 3 micro-transactions for players wanting “instant gratification”, Disney Infinity to feature on-disc DLC, susceptible to movie spoilers, League of Legends Team Solo Medbi players receive lifetime bans for anti-Semitism and abuse and Sony fined 250K GBP for April 2011 hacker intrusion
We also have Reader Feedback and a new Question of the Week: “What kind of microtransactions are acceptable?”
Listen in on the player below, download it directly here, or subscribe to iTunes!
Jonah Falcon is a blogger for TMRzoo and and covers all gaming consoles and platforms including Sony Playstation 3, Microsoft XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii, Sony PSP and computer games designed for Mac OS, Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems. Jonah provides his readers with reviews, previews, release dates and up to date gaming industry news, trailers and rumors.