Nadya Suleman, the Octomom, Visits the Howard Stern Show (VIDEO)

Howard Stern had an unlikely visitor in the guest chair this morning, as Nadya Sulemon, known around the world as Octomom, stopped by for a chat. The main purpose of her visit was to promote a upcoming celebrity boxing match being held in New Jersey, but Howard tried to dig deep during the interview to get the answers only he could.

When pressed on her sex life, Nadya didn’t have much to talk about at all. Octomom is as close to asexual as you can get, admitting that she has never had an orgasm and the last time she had sex was 12 years ago with the donor/father of all of her children. She had trouble remembering if she had ever given a blow job and couldn’t answer the question.


As for the orgasm, Howard offered her a ride on the Sybian sex machine, but Nadya declined.

Of course, many other details of her life were discussed. The entire uncensored appearance can only be seen on cable’s Howard TV On Demand starting tomorrow. Check out the preview clip of the episode below:


Check out for more information on the runtime for this segment and its schedule.

After the interview and appearance, several of the Stern Show staffers admitted that Octomom was not as bat shit crazy as they had thought and they actually enjoyed the interview and their time with her.