Read the Entire Ted Wells Deflategate Report on The Patriots

Ted Wells transmitted his report to Commissioner Goodell and the New England Patriots earlier today on the footballs used in the AFC Championship Game on January 18, 2015. Mr. Wells requested that our office make it available to the public at 1 p.m. ET. It is now posted on and Following is a statement by Commissioner Goodell


I want to express my appreciation to Ted Wells and his colleagues for performing a thorough and independent investigation, the findings and conclusions of which are set forth in today’s comprehensive report.

As with other recent matters involving violations of competitive rules, Troy Vincent and his team will consider what steps to take in light of the report, both with respect to possible disciplinary action and to any changes in protocols that are necessary to avoid future incidents of this type.  At the same time, we will continue our efforts vigorously to protect the integrity of the game and promote fair play at all times.

Download the entire Ted Wells Deflategate report here