Mila Kunis Heats Up The Screen In “Book of Eli”

mila-kunis-pictureBook of Eli looks cool as hell. Even cooler is Mila Kunis as Solara in the movie. Come on, you know her as the stuck up little brunette on That 70’s Show. This siren has done a few movies that have received a bit of attention.

She shines in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Max Payne. The Post-apocalyptic Denzel Washington movie looks to be the vehicle that launches her into superstardom . This Epic directed by the Hughes Brothers has already received great reviews

Roger Ebert said of the film: “You won’t be sorry you went. It grips your attention, and then at the end throws in several “WTF!” moments, which are a bonus.” With an ensemble cast of Denzel with Gary Oldman, Flashdance’s Jennifer Beals and A Clockwork Orange alum Malcolm McDowell in tow, this must be a great flick.

Tom Waits, who claims he looks good with no shirt on, plays a storekeeper in the flick. For now lets just enjoy these pictures of Mila Kunis. Unfortunally she has her shirt on.

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