This morning, in between game show segments of “Who would Little Lupe Fuentes Do?”, Howard Stern had “relationship expert” and former actress Stacey Nelkin in the studio to help the audience out with their sex lives and to also talk about the laundry list of Hollywood actors she has bedded. Stacy has a daily advice blog at The Daily Affair is the speahead of the “Moderne Marriage” – a movement which advocates total freedom in all marriages and a movement that is pushing heads of state to allow people of all backgrounds and sexual orientations to experience the full benefits that traditional heterosexual marriages offer.
Most excited about Ms. Nelkin’s visit was horror movie buff Richard Christy since she was in Halloween III: Season of the Witch. She talked about how there was no nipple in the movie and in her contract, but they pushed the limits of it as you can see in the black lingerie pics below. With Star Trek alum George Takei in the studio all week, the conversation eventually migrated to fan “conventions”, and how Stacey regularly does horror conventions and charges $20 per autograph.
Here are a few old and new pics of Stacey. Click any image to see the full-sized version:
Per her Facebook page: Stacey Nelkin has been an actress for most of her life starring in such films as “Halloween III”, “Going Ape”, “Yellowbeard” and more! She is also the co-author of the new book “You Can’t Afford to Break Up.” Featured on Fox News, Mancow, and CosmoRadio, (and now Howard Stern), Stacey Nelkin is one of the most indemand public figures of our time. She has been an actress for most of her life starring in such films as “Halloween III”, “Going Ape”, “Yellowbeard” and more. Stacey has earned worldwide praise for her performances by critics and fans a like and she is also a Relationship Expert and co-author of the new book “You Can’t Afford to Break Up: How an Empty Wallet and a Dirty Mind Can Save Your Relationship”.
Stacey is also the founder of “Moderne Marriage” a movement promoting freedom and expressionism in traditional marriage – the fastest dying cultural tradition in the West. She’s also the head writer of “The Daily Affair” one of the hottest sex / relationship blogs of 2010. Stacey regularly dissects celebrity couplings and provides her insight on whether the relationship is headed for a honeymoon or next to the Titanic. Stacey regularly appears on national TV & Radio programs. Please check back to the site frequently for updates on when she’ll be appearing next! (read less)