Due to the unknown status of Howard Stern’s future contract with SiriusXM Satellite Radio, this could be the very last Miss Howard TV gallery we post… ever. Nevertheless, Natalie Nice, Miss Howard TV for December 2010, made the final crowning of Miss Howard TV a memorable one.
Miss Howard TV November 2010, Devon Alexis, was a hard act to follow, but Natalie held her own during her announcement segment. We learned that she has her own site where she plays with various other girls… and herself. It looks like she is having some lovely play sessions with former Miss Howard TV girls Devon Alexis, Destiny Dixon and Janessa Brazil. Hot stuff!
Ms. Nice could have easily been buried amongst other segments such as the second staff IQ test reveal and the Farting and Queefing Holiday Special, but a super sexy ride on the Sybian sex machine made her appearance quite memorable.
You can decide for yourself how hot Natalie is by checking out her pics below. You can see the full-sized image by clicking any of the thumbnails:
The images above are courtesy of HowardStern.com.
You can see “more” of Natalie at her official site NatalieNice.com. Check out HowardTV.com for the air times of Natalie’s appearance, and Sybian ride. To see all previous Miss Howard TV girls, and all other Howard Stern news and information, use the orange navigation bar above under “Everything Else” and “Babes”.